In light of the recent outbreak of the new coronavirus – Covid-19 – Fun Activities has decided to implement protection and information policies to protect its employees and customers, in accordance with the World Health Organization and Portuguese and Azorean authorities. Please read the information below carefully.


For everyone’s protection, it is recommended to consult and follow the guidelines, statements, and preventive measures issued by the General Directorate of Health, in accordance with the World Health Organization. CLICK HERE.

In the Azores archipelago, travelers who present symptoms suggestive of respiratory illness during (or after) the trip should contact the Azores Health Service through the following phone number: (+351) 808 24 60 24.

For information on COVID-19 regarding measures and restrictions in Portugal, CLICK HERE.


Fun Activities Azores Adventure, in accordance with the “Clean & Safe” protocol of Tourism of Portugal and in accordance with the Portuguese and Azorean authorities, has implemented the following general measures:

Training and preparation for our employees

All employees have received specific information and/or training on:

  • The internal protocol for the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions for the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), including basic procedures on hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and social conduct.
  • How to comply with daily self-monitoring to assess fever, check cough or difficulty in breathing.
  • How to comply with the Directorate-General of Health guidelines for cleaning surfaces and treating clothing in establishments.

What Fun Activities provides and guarantees for all its activities and services

  • Personal protective equipment in sufficient quantity for workers involved in activities.
  • Personal protective equipment available for our customers. The customer must pay for the individual protection kit or, alternatively, bring their own kit (with at least 3 protective masks). The use of a protective mask is mandatory, unless it is inconvenient. For each tour/activity, there will be 3 masks available per customer.
  • Supply of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, whenever justified, to activity participants.
  • Cleaning or disinfection of equipment used, after each activity, according to the applicable rules for each type of equipment.
  • Cleaning or disinfection of vehicles used after each activity.
  • Maintaining, as far as possible, the social distancing between participants during activities, according to the recommendations of the Directorate-General of Health. The recommended distance is 2 meters.
  • Establishing a maximum capacity for each vehicle of 2/3 of its normal capacity. This means that a 9-seat mini-van can only accommodate 6 people, including drivers and/or guides. If clients belong to the same family, a 9-seat mini-van can accommodate a maximum of 6 clients.
  • All information, guidelines, waivers, and payments will be provided by digital/online support.
  • Adequate garbage bags with secure closure will be provided for each tour/activity and will be used for waste management in fully confined spaces.
  • All confined spaces will be avoided whenever possible.
  • For pick-up/drop-off, customers must wait outside the hotel or accommodation site. The driver or guide will avoid entering.
  • Before the activity, the guide will explain the procedures and general guidelines already described here. Some specific procedures related to each activity will also be conveyed.
  • For access to the complete document “COVID-19 Protocol” and records, the customer should request it through the email The document will be provided.”

Procedures to be adopted in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (RAA) for receiving tourists (Updated on 20.04.2021)